JustOffer Pvt Limited was incorporated in January 2020. JustOffer connects consumers with service providers and retailers who have best offers for the consumers. We will advertise any offers from the retailers and service providers in our website, mobile website and mobile application. JustOffer will be marketed in all the leading social media sites so that consumers visit the site and know about the offers. Currently we have established relationship with over 500 retailers or service providers and intend to enlist more than 1000 service providers in the coming months. We have started enlisting service providers and retailers across Bangalore and will expand across metropolitan cities soon. The features are available for free for the consumers and we provide services to retailers at a minimum price .

Retails connect with us over the telephone or whatsapp @ +917338382234:
Website: www.Justoffer.com

Our Mission: Connect buyers to sellers and service providers with best offers.